[LCP] Realloc and null pointers

Bill Rausch BRausch at owt.com
Thu Feb 12 03:11:54 EST 2009

At 02:01 PM -0900 2/10/09, Christopher Howard wrote:
>Let's say I declare a char pointer:
>   char * label;
>Can I simply allocate memory to it like so?:
>   realloc(label, 100*sizeof(char));
>Or do I need to malloc it first?

If label is a global, then it is already null. If it is a local 
variable, then it has a random value and you need to set it:  char* 
label = NULL;

realloc is quite powerful but prone to accidentally doing things you 
don't expect so be careful with it.  Explicitly calling malloc and 
free is normally better practice.


Bill Rausch

We first make our habits and then our habits make us. --John Dryden

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