[LCP]Base 2 logarithms

Chuck Martin nrocinu at myrealbox.com
Thu Oct 3 21:06:39 UTC 2002

On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 01:02:23PM +0100, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
> > This won't work for numbers less than zero (negative logarithms).
> But a logarithm is undefined for negative numbers, isn't it ?

I was referring to negative logarithms, not logarithms of negative
numbers, although I believe those are also possible if you allow
imaginary and complex numbers.

Some examples of negative logarithms would be log2(1/2), which should
be -1, or log2(1/8), which should be -3.

> Then I guess you can approximate this using the Newton method
> (as used for square root). Never tried it, but should work.

I'm not sure what that method is.  Would that be the trial-and-error


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