[LCP]Linux sin() code

Angus Mackay amackay at gusnet.cx
Mon Mar 11 15:13:05 UTC 2002

on x86 it is just "fldl" then "fsin" asm calls:
  (amackay at ess4)~$ ar x /usr/lib/libm.a  s_sin.o
  (amackay at ess4)~$ objdump --disassemble-all s_sin.o
  s_sin.o:     file format elf32-i386
  Disassembly of section .text:

  00000000 <__sin>:
    0:   dd 44 24 04     fldl   0x4(%esp,1)
    4:   d9 fe           fsin
    6:   df e0           fnstsw
    8:   a9 00 04 00 00  testl  $0x400,%eax
    d:   75 01           jne    10 <__sin+0x10>
    f:   c3              ret
    10:   d9 eb           fldpi
    12:   d8 c0           fadd   %st(0),%st
    14:   d9 c9           fxch   %st(1)
    16:   d9 f5           fprem1
    18:   df e0           fnstsw
    1a:   a9 00 04 00 00  testl  $0x400,%eax
    1f:   75 f5           jne    16 <__sin+0x16>
    21:   dd d9           fstp   %st(1)
    23:   d9 fe           fsin
    25:   c3              ret
  Disassembly of section .data:

if you want a emulated sin() that uses integer math then I think GNU libc has

cheers, Angus.

It would seem that Mohd Saifullah (saif at lantana.tenet.res.in) said:
> Can some one help me in getting the sin() (math sine function) function
> complete code. I mean the complete function with all expansions.

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