
Joachim Bauernberger bj at gmx.net
Sat Jan 19 06:42:04 UTC 2002

I am having a little problem with time. For some reason the code below will 
have the following output:

[bjdev: C]$ ./time
12 41 10 23 11 35 1
Mon Dec 23 10:41:12 1935

The actual time however is:
[bjdev: C]$ date
Fre Jan 18 20:35:29 CET 2002

Can somebody be so kind and tell me what I am doing wrong (maybe it's time 
for me to get some sleep .... :))

Here is the code:

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc, char **argv) {

    time_t          now;
    struct tm       *tt;
    char *c;

    tt = localtime(&now);
    //c = ctime(&now);

    fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",tt->tm_sec, tt->tm_min, 
tt->tm_hour, tt->tm_mday, tt->tm_mon, tt->tm_year, tt->tm_wday);
    c = asctime(tt);

return 0;

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