[LCP]stdio.h reference

Bradley, Peter PBradley at uwic.ac.uk
Mon Jan 7 22:50:30 UTC 2002

It's in a standard place - /usr/include if I remember correctly.  You use
angle brackets for includes like this.  You use double quotes for user
defined includes, usually with the -I switch on the command line so gcc
knows where to look.

Remember also that #includes are like typing the code in the include file
into your source file at the point of the #include directive.



 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Madhav M. [mailto:madhav3333 at lycos.com] 
Sent:	07 January 2002 11:13
To:	linuxcprogramming at lists.linux.org.au
Subject:	[LCP]stdio.h reference

A beginner's question..
below is a small sample program.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()

I compile above file by
$ cc sample.c

I want to know, how linker reolves the reference for stdio.h. 
I chekced /etc/fstab file and also checked LD_LIBRARY_PATH. But i didnt get
the path for stdio.h.
Am I missing something???


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