[LCP]Address of a label

Chirag Kantharia chyrag at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 21 20:33:43 UTC 2002


Is it possible to get address of a label, from within a C program? What
I want to do is the following:

I have a huge switch() statement, which looks like this:

    	case 1:
	case 2:

Since my switch is really huge (close to 200 cases), I was wondering if
it were possible to optimize it, by storing labels in an array.

   struct label array[NO_OF_CASES];

and "goto array[*pc].label;"

(I know the syntax is wrong, but I hope I get the idea across).

I know it's possible with function pointers, but I will have to convert
all the do_somethings to functions.

  void (*do_something1)(void)

  void (*do_something2)(void)

  struct label {
  	void (*f)(void);

  And, I simply use 

(Of course, there's an assumption that the cases are sequential: they go
from 1, 2, 3.. 200).

I want to know if it's possible using labels. And if yes, then how.

Chirag Kantharia, symonds.net/~chyrag/
Linux scrooge 2.4.17 #1 Wed Jan 16 17:07:25 IST 2002 i686 unknown

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