[LCP]linked list question

Joachim Bauernberger bj at gmx.net
Tue Apr 2 18:16:05 UTC 2002

I actually sent the message below already on Saturday but for some 
reason lists.linux.org.au seemed to be down over the weekend...

Anyway I managed to solve the problem after making myself some drawings 
and going over it with a big cup'o'coffee.
Thanks to anybody who would have helped.



I have a problem with recursively reversing the items in a linked list. 
The list items were first pushed into the list at the "head end" like 

void push(mbody_t *mes) {

 int firstrun=1; 
 mbody_t *first = NULL;

    while(foo) {
      if (!firstrun) first=mes;
      mes->bnext = first;

Now I want to reverse the listitems in order to have the last item 
first, etc ...

I have written this function that is supposed to do that:

static void
rreverse(mbody_t **mb)
    mbody_t *first;
    mbody_t *last;

    if (*mb==NULL) return;
    first = *mb;
    last= first->bnext;
    if (last==NULL) return;
    first->bnext->bnext = first;
    first->bnext = NULL;
    *mb = last;

Now the problem ist that _only_ the last item in the list gets moved to 
the first position and consecutive items are not processed anymore.

mbody_t looks like this:
typedef struct mbody_t
    char *data;
    char *dsum;                   
    struct mbody_t *bnext;     

I can't find the problem. Can somebody tell me what I am missing?

Thanks & Regards,

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