[LCP]Network programming.

Bradley, Peter PBradley at uwic.ac.uk
Fri Sep 21 20:29:05 UTC 2001

I'm no expert, but I guess it depends on how serious you are, and how
complex your protocol is going to be.

Many well known protocols are defined using the asn1 specification language,
for which there is a free compiler (snacc) to produce C or C++ or Java code.



 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Kent Nyberg [mailto:blurkis at bonbon.net] 
Sent:	15 September 2001 13:27
To:	Linux C Developing - Nya
Subject:	[LCP]Network programming.


I am trying to learn how to do networkprogramming but have run into some

I want to create some kind of client/server thing with it's own protocol
for communication.
The thing is that i cant realy figure out how this should be done.
Can some one recomend som example or good documentation on how to create
a protocol for 
network communication?

Kent Nyberg.
ICQ:    64479321

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