[LCP]Re: Deamons and System calls

Srinath redindian at zxmail.com
Fri Sep 14 17:11:13 UTC 2001

Hello Manu,

>b) Can we design a system call which will call the
>modules that we created?
Yes u can; and ive typed the sketch of how to do.

include all the headers

static void somedisplayfunction(void * someparameter)
/*your display goes here BUT REMEMBER WITH PRINTK */

/*This is MANU'S  interrupt handler function*/
void irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
static struct tq_struct task =  {NULL, 0, somedisplayfunction,

   /*use the queue_task function here with the task struct*/
  /*use the  mark_bh function here*/

int init_module()
/*register here also x is the irq number */
free_irq(x, NULL);
return request_irq(x,irq_handler, SA_SHIRQ,"name",NULL);

void cleanup_module()
/*unregister here*/
free_irq(1, NULL);

Hope that helps you,

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