[LCP]A doubt in Linux --- Please help

rahul pande panderahul at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 27 03:45:05 UTC 2001

Hello All,

I am experimenting with using "initrd" to have two stage booting, on a 
diskless machine. My intension is to get the file system to be mounted as 
root from a remote machine. The plan is to use "tftp" client to get the root 
file system from the remote machine. To accomplish the above I need to 
assign an IP Address (NIC driver is built in the image) to the diskless 
machine, so that "tftp" can be used in the network. All the above should 
happen before the "init" is called. Can someone give advice as to how i can 
assign an IP Address or configure the network for the diskless machine in 
the above scenario.

I tried using "ifconfig eth0 <ip address> up" in /linuxrc file but it failed 
giving some modprobe (kmod) error.

Waiting for ur response.

Thanks and Regards,

PS :: If this is not the right mailing list for such questions please 
suggest me pointers for future reference.

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