[LCP]list all defines

David Spencer David.W.Spencer at oracle.com
Thu Jul 12 20:57:11 UTC 2001

Of course the SMART way to do this is to figure out how to email your
test program to your account, have a daemon pick up the mail, separate
out the code and compile it, and email you back the results.
Then you could email in a command to run the executable and return via
email the output of the program.

The difficult bit is how to build the daemon, but presumably you won't
be doing this near a deadline therefore the labs should be relatively

Of course this isn't particularly interactive; you'd have to supply any
input on the command line or in a response file (e.g. myprog [param1
param2 param3] [< input_data] [> output_data])

If it's only a command line program you're writing then you'll probably
find that most includes are the same across both platforms as long as
you stick to the simple stuff: stdio, stdlib, time etc but if you're
doing X programming of course you're stuffed (unless you get an X
emulator and devkit for Windows, or better still install Linux on the
machine instead and do native X programming.)


Matthew Palmer wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Andy Zivkovic wrote:
> > My main reason for asking is because I'm a Uni student and find it easier to
> > do my work from home (beacuse the computer rooms are always full,
> > particularly when there's a due date coming up), and at uni we've got sun
> > machines. I know that MS VC++ defines _WIN32, but I don't know what linux
> > uses or the machines at uni. It seems to only be programs that use sockets,
> > when the include files are different.
> If things are defined, they're either (a) Useless, in which case you ignore
> them completely, or (b) there for a reason, and just defining them elsewhere
> isn't going to help you.
> As far as different include files go, that's a long standing problem.  No
> way to fix it.  I'd suggest doing the assignment at home and then copying it
> to Uni and using an SSH terminal (and maybe an X redirect if necessary) to
> do final testing.
> > I couldn't find a list of pragmas gcc has (I can't navigate those info
> > pages),
> Try tkInfo.  Closest thing to a sane info browser I've found (although the
> whole info format just has me well confused).
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <disclaimer.h>
> Matthew Palmer
> mjp16 at ieee.uow.edu.au
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