[LCP]Speed of the popular encryption routines

Mike & Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at shaysnet.com
Fri Aug 10 23:04:04 UTC 2001

This is just an "if anybody knows" sort of question.

Do any of you know the "throughput" speed of the usual encryption
routines? By which I mean those being implemented in software. Obviously
the absolute answer depends on the speed of your device, but all I'm
looking for here is "order of magnitude" type answers. The kinds of
answers I would be looking for look like this: (numbers made up)

some typical system (eg:PGP) --- 3-4 sec/megabyte   [or 3-4
megabytes/second for really fast ones, etc.]
some other system                    --- 1-2 sec/megabyte       etc.


PS -- Before you tell me "why not install and find out yourself" note
that it's a number of answers

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