[Linux-aus] [Announce] 2024-2025 Annual report and Draft AGM Agenda

Matt Cengia mattcen at mattcen.com
Thu Jan 16 15:12:55 AEDT 2025

Hey folks,

In light of this report, what's stopping you, the reader (as opposed to a specific addressee), putting your hand up to run, or help run, a conference? In other words, is there anything that could convince you to help? Some sort of support, mentorship etc?

I'll go first: for me, my life (and career) is in a bit of flux currently, and I already have a volunteer role (as a scout leader) that takes up a fair chunk of my free time, so I currently don't have the capacity to take on more. I helped run PyConAU 2023 as their Inclusion and Welcoming coordinator, and that worked well because it was a relatively discrete role. For years, folks have suggested I should put in a bid to run an LCA, and I've no doubt I could do it from a skills perspective, but it's such a huge time commitment that it feels irresponsible to commit to given what I already have on my plate, and I'm not sure there's a good solution to reduce the commitment required by the director and core team for a conference of this size.

How about you, reader? What would need to change for *you* to say "yes" to being on the core team? Change is made by the folks who show up; wouldn't it be cool if that were you?

On Wed, Jan 15, 2025, at 23:02, Andrew Ruthven via linux-aus wrote:
> Hey,
> On Thu, 2025-01-16 at 00:26 +1300, Simon Lyall via linux-aus wrote:
> > From:
> > > https://linux.org.au/about-us/annual-reports/
> > 
> > Treasurer’s Report:
> > 
> > "Looking forward to next year, I expect the conferences will adjust to the
> > new sponsorship conditions and return to making a profit. I hope the 
> > number of conferences we run will at least run steady, but at this stage I
> > am not
> > expecting EO/LCA will be run again. That's a shame as I've attended other 
> > developer conferences, and without a doubt LA's flagship is both the 
> > strongest technically and the cheapest to attend. There is no lack of
> > speakers, or
> > volunteers, or venues, or money. What we can't find is a team to run it"
> > 
> > Thoughts?
> Certainly disappointing, and concerning. I first saw a comment about this on
> the Fediverse today/yesterday. I'm surprised this hasn't been raised
> earlier.

Matt Cengia (pronouns: they/them/theirs)
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