[Linux-aus] [Announce] 2024-2025 Annual report and Draft AGM Agenda

Andrew Donnellan andrew at donnellan.id.au
Wed Feb 5 15:10:00 AEDT 2025

On Wed, 5 Feb 2025 at 14:22, Andrew Pam via linux-aus <
linux-aus at lists.linux.org.au> wrote:

> I strongly disagree with Craige's diagnosis and suggestions.  The
> evolution of LA over time was not in error, and we cannot return to the
> status quo ante and old glories by reverting to the ways of the past.
> The fact is that "Linux" in and of itself is no longer an exciting
> hobbyist field, just as electric lights, motors, radios, cars and many
> other technologies in the past started with highly active enthusiast
> groups which declined over time as the technology became part of the
> background of our civilisation.  I don't think there are any lighting or
> electric motor technology fan clubs any more and the amateur radio and
> car clubs are quite different now from the early days.

I entirely agree.

> LUV already spent considerable time and effort in past years providing a
> wide range of FOSS servers to the membership and got very little
> interest or adoption despite also running talks explaining each service
> and why it is useful and a workable alternative to a proprietary
> solution.  Most people seem to either be comfortable using the popular
> online services or if not, prefer to run their own.

There's also enough other people running Mastodon instances and so on. If
the LA community really wants to support services like Mastodon, then just
give one of the existing operators a grant, rather than setting up yet
another instance that will be used by a dozen people likely from one
particular clique within the LA community.

Andrew Donnellan
http://andrew.donnellan.id.au         andrew at donnellan.id.au
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