[Linux-aus] Linux Australia Grants

Jonathan Woithe jwoithe at just42.net
Fri May 17 17:41:31 AEST 2024

Hi Rowland

On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 05:27:00PM +1000, Rowland Mosbergen via linux-aus wrote:
> I wanted to apply for the grant to help run the Research Software Engineer
> Asia Australia unconference.
> I saw this but not other information:
> :
>     Each year, we make available funds for Grants to help further the
>     Linux and free and open source software communities in Australasia. 
>     Read more about Grants.
> Is that because grants have been closed?

The 2024 Linux Australia Grants program has not yet been opened.  Council is
in the process of finalising some additions to the guidelines document which
will assist those preparing applications involving hardware purchases.  We
expect to complete this process soon.  The grant program will open as soon
as that happens (which will hopefully be within the next few weeks).


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