[Linux-aus] FOSS on Mobile Phones: Grant Report

Yifei Zhan yifei at zhan.science
Tue Jun 18 16:01:30 AEST 2024

Now it's about a year after I received the grant from Linux Australia on FOSS 
on mobile phones, this is an update on the work I've done with the funded 

A major part of the work involves getting the OP-TEE FOSS security enclave 
working on the PinePhonePro and use fTPM (Firmware-backed Trusted Platform 
Module) on top of it to provide a hardware-enforced way to isolate and protect 
sensitive crypto operations in case of an attacker compromising the primary 
Linux system.

In the end, a general PKCS#11 interface backed by the TPM is available for 
user space applications to delegate crypto operations. (OP-TEE also provides a 
native PKCS#11 interface, bypassing the TPM)

With fTPM made available at an early boot stage, U-Boot the bootloader can 
measure the payloads (kernel, dtb, initramfs...) before continuing with the 
boot process, and the measurements can then be used to unseal key materials or 
be used by user space applications.

The demostrations for the following use case on EO 2024 are available from my 

- Access Measurements from Linux Userland [2]
- Sign in to GitLab with fTPM-backed FIDO token [3]
- fTPM-backed SSH Identity [4]

The source code and building infrastructure are available on GitHub:


Using that, it should be easy to build u-boot image you can flash to an sdcard 
and reproduce the demos.

On the other hand, I also worked on virtualization-based isolation for 
untrusted workload, here is a demo for web browsing inside disposable, 
lightweight virtual machine:

- Disposable Web Session [5]

The source code for reproducing that is also on GitHub:


Unlike the security enclave demos, you can run this one on any KVM-enabled 
system supported by firecracker (amd64, aarch64).

Initially Russell and I used 2 PinePhonePros separately for different areas of 
work but due to design flaws[1] of the PinePhone backplates my PPP melted its 
midframe and I ended up using both PPP for my work.

My slides for EO2024 is available here:


On the side note, I'm still working on getting the LoRa backplate to work, the 
goal is to integrate the PPP with LoRa backplate to an active communication 
network (e.g. Mashtastic[6]) and add support for the PineDio USB LoRa adapter 
so that it can be further integrated into the Linux ecosystem. However the 
progress has been slowed down by some hardware problems. (e.g. the SX1262 LoRa 
chip used by PineDio has message corruption problem on both TX and RX, and 
backplate connection instability) At the current stage integration of the LoRa 
hardware to user-facing software is fairly primitive but it can be done as 
demonstrated by me during a previous Flounder meeting. [7]


[1]: https://segments.zhan.science/posts/troubles_with_the_pinephone_keyboard/
[2]: https://segments.zhan.science/talks/EO2024/
[3]: https://segments.zhan.science/talks/EO2024/SigninToGitLabWithFTPM.mp4
[4]: https://segments.zhan.science/talks/EO2024/ftpmBackedSSHIdentity.mp4
[5]: https://segments.zhan.science/talks/EO2024/BrowserSession.mp4
[6]: https://meshtastic.org/
[7]: https://flounder.linux.org.au/2023/07/02/july-2023-meeting/

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