[Linux-aus] LA grant application submitted

Jonathan Woithe jwoithe at just42.net
Tue Jun 18 10:12:48 AEST 2024

Hi everyone

A Community Grant application has been submitted[1] by Jonah Sullivan on
behalf of the Canberra Python User Group.  The Linux Australia Council will
consider the application at its meeting on 3 July 2024.  LA members are
encouraged to provide feedback and ask questions about the submission via
the LA Grants mailing list[2].  This input will be considered as part of the
Council's decision making process.

Please note that one must be subscribed to the grants mailing list[3] in
order to post to it.

Jonathan Woithe
(on behalf of the Linux Australia Council)

[1] https://lists.linux.org.au/pipermail/grants/2024-June/000170.html
[2] https://lists.linux.org.au/pipermail/grants/
[3] http://lists.linux.org.au/mailman/listinfo/grants

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