[Linux-aus] Fwd: Proposing that Linux Australia fund Software Freedom Conservancy

David Lloyd lloy0076 at adam.com.au
Mon Nov 30 19:07:06 AEDT 2015


As this seems to be an ongoing support, might I suggest that something like:


“That LinuxSA support Software Freedom Conservancy for a total of $X aud per month, to be reviewed every Y years or at such time as Linux Australia Inc. sees fit, whichever is less.”.


What the value of $X or Y should be is beyond me.


For what it’s worth, it seems a good cause – however, what Linux Australia can or wants to afford I’m not sure. It seems it could afford the minimum :)


From: linux-aus [mailto:linux-aus-bounces at lists.linux.org.au] On Behalf Of Leon Brooks
Sent: Monday, 30 November 2015 10:30 AM
To: Linux Australia <linux-aus at lists.linux.org.au>
Subject: [Linux-aus] Fwd: Proposing that Linux Australia fund Software Freedom Conservancy



On 29 November 2015 at 16:55, Andrew Donnellan wrote:

Support. SFC does very valuable work. 


I agree.

I'd like to propose that Linux Australia support the Software Freedom
Conservancy [1] as part of its grants programme. [...]




Cheers — Leon

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