[Linux-aus] Please sign NCSS Petition on National Curriculum for Technologies

Tim Ansell mithro at mithis.com
Wed May 8 14:33:14 EST 2013

Sorry for the spam, but for once things are going in the right direction
and we should submit encouragement.

The National Computer Science School is running a petition about the newly
written *National Curriculum for Technologies*. The Digital Technologies
section of the draft Curriculum for Technologies is a *massive step in the
right direction (w*hich is very unlike what normally happens). If enacted,
it will equip Australian students with the skills they need; not just to
become competent consumers of technology, but to design and create our
shared technological future.

As a person invested in everyone being an digital citizen, the least you
can do is to sign the following petition;


If you have time, you should also submit a personal submission by;
email, which is easier than the online form. You need to sign up on the
ACARA website, then email your response to technologies at acara.edu.au along
with a cover sheet<http://consultation.australiancurriculum.edu.au/Static/docs/Technologies/Technologies%20feedback%20cover%20sheet.pdf>

Tim 'mithro' Ansell
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