[Linux-aus] LCA2014 update

Andrew Ruthven andrew at etc.gen.nz
Tue Aug 28 23:50:02 EST 2012


All this bickering about what to change with LCA is not changing the
fact that there needs to be someone to stand up and propose to run 2014.

In my opinion (and I think I have a bit of authority here) running LCA
with the current format *isn't* that scary. There is absolutely no need
to ditch PDNS, miniconfs, or anything else that we have going on. I hope
that the facts that Mikal has been adding to the discussion helps
support that.

The *most* important thing for any potential team to consider is that
running LCA is AWESOME.  I'm going to repeat that, IT IS AWESOME.
What's more, we would do it again.

We've all had thoughts about what could be done better after any
particular LCA, or if I ran it this is what I'd do, etc.  Well, Susanne
and I both decided to step up and make our ideas happen.

Sure, it takes a bit of time and effort but EVERYTHING that is worth
doing takes time and effort (everyone who is a parent will especially
appreciate that).

Running LCA is a great opportunity to showcase your region, show off
your bit of the world. We did that in 2010, and we hope everyone left
Wellington with a little bit of the magic that we think New Zealand

If anyone is thinking about submitting a bid and wants a chat about
what's involved in putting together an LCA, please feel free to drop me
a line. I'm puck on IRC, or just email me.


Andrew Ruthven, LCA2010 Co-Director
Wellington, New Zealand
At home: andrew at etc.gen.nz |   linux.conf.au 2013
                           | Come join the party...
                           |  http://linux.conf.au
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