[Linux-aus] LCA 2008 - Open Hardware Miniconf?

Tim Ansell mithro at mithis.com
Mon May 21 15:23:19 UTC 2007


I've recently become involved with Open Hardware and I'm wondering if
there is any interest in having an Open Hardware Miniconf? 

This would concentrate on actually developing Open Hardware (rather then
the Embedded Miniconf which concentrates on developing for Embedded
hardware). There where definitely some interesting Open Hardware
projects at LCA 2008, for example the homemade Segway and RepRap

I've run successful Miniconfs (Embedding Miniconf at 2005 and Game
Miniconf at 2007), so I could take the lead in organising such a
Miniconf at LCA 2008. (Obviously it would still require acceptance by
the LCA 2008 organisers.) 

If others would like to take the lead, I'm happy to relax at a LCA for
once ;) 

FYI - I'm actively trying to open up my Honours project -
http://blog.mithis.net/archives/uni/41-cfxs-all-done and participating
in David Rowe's $10 ATA - http://www.rowetel.com/blog/?p=26 

Thanks for your time.

Tim Ansell

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