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[Linux-aus] Re: Making the speaker panel rock

On 2/1/07, Mary Gardiner <mary@puzzling.org> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 01, 2007, Jeff Waugh wrote:


Also, if serious, interesting, debatey questions are wanted, some notice
to the audience is needed. I asked my entirely fluffy "what would bring
you to Melb 08" question because at the time I think the audience was
still new to the concept and busy wracking their brains. Seed the
questions by forewarning smart people who can ask questions (as opposed
to ramble, or conduct both sides of a debate themselves).


Ask for questions to be submitted the previous day and pick out the ones that would be the most interestiong.. or provoke an interesting response. Ask the speakers which questions they would like to answer.. (ie. so it's not sensorship).