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Re: [Linux-aus] Conference Idea

On Tue, 2006-09-19 at 13:31 +1000, Pia Waugh wrote:
> Hi Mikal,
> <quote who="Michael Still">
> > Yeah, nothing came of it though. I got the impression at the time (IIRC) 
> > that the committee thought it was a crap idea.
> It is exactly that positive attitude which makes you and your ideas so
> approachable ;)
> Seriously though, at the time we (the LA ctte) said it might be doable but
> I think we didn't really have the scope to do it.
> I personally agree that SFD is the place to do it, and SFD teams around the
> world/country already get sponsorship for the event and run workshops,
> talks, installfests and other newbie/general public type events.
> I think it already is a place for such an event, and that yet another event
> would probably be too much.
> Cheers,
> Pia
How can that be too much?  One software freedom day event and one other
event per state, per year?  If there aren't events, workshops, classes
etc how can we ever take over the world? :-) Um no I mean how will
people hear about Linux/FOSS? 


Kylie Willison
Regional Director
Teen Challenge Murray Bridge

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