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Re: [Linux-aus] Goodbye AUUG, hello phoenix

<quote who="Janet Hawtin">

> i dont see why we need to own the org of all nixes belong to

Indeed - that wouldn't be useful, and hasn't been suggested.

> there is no australian chapter of freeculture.org and we need one.


> we also need an identifiable linux group.

We have one. It would be better placed and stronger as an identifiable Open
Source group. We have contributing companies, government departments and
individuals who do not participate in Linux Australia/linux.conf.au because
the name excludes them (and doesn't represent what we actually do).

> i cant see how embracing people from potentially proprietory perspectives
> can be comfortably done at the same time as expanding activity on free
> culture and free software.

The only area where 'potentially proprietory perspectives' would be relevant
in an Open Source organisation (as was proposed) would be issues pertaining
to ISVs and FLOSS developers targeting proprietary platforms - the former is
not wildly interesting to this organisation at the moment, the latter is.

> given that many of the people on the auug list did not want to be absorbed
> by the penguins i think that us assuming that they would feel this was
> their org if we changed the name is not realistic.

I haven't suggested a merger with AUUG.

> if a bsd group renamed itself opensource.org.au and said it represented us
> all would it be a good fit for us all?

Linux Australia *IS* an Open Source group. We just don't say it clearly.

> im not suggesting this but just trying to shift the perspective so that we
> can see it from unpenguin perspectives.

Apparently I have the most unpenguin perspective here. Even your points
above are heavily loaded. :-)

> event based unity is better than one org to bind them all*  imho =).

Note, again, that I haven't suggested "one org to bind them all". I've just
suggested that we rename our organisation and conference *TO REPRESENT WHAT
THEY ALREADY ARE* (apologies for shouting, but most of the arguments against
this assume 'change', which I've made the point about numerous times).


- Jeff

EuroOSCON: Brussels, Belgium     http://conferences.oreillynet.com/euos2006/
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