[Linux-aus] Interview with Mark Lloyd from ACS on compulsory accreditation

Michael Davies michael at msdavies.net
Fri Sep 29 07:52:01 UTC 2006

On 9/29/06, Bret Busby <bret at busby.net> wrote:
> Can you provide a URL for a web page that explains the plans of the ACS,
> to have "a mandatory registration system"?
> It sounds a bit like Pandora and her wooden receptable, wich was not
> securely closed.

This has been an ACS goal for some time - con the government into
making them the mandatory cusdodians of IT in Australia, thereby
guarranteeing them:
a) relevance to the average IT worker,
b) increased membership numbers, and thereby a gravy chain of money,
c) bottoms to sit on their "Powerpoint for Dummies"-style expensive
training courses, which of course would be mandatory if you want to
stay accredited.

In my mind, this is just a big a risk to the readers of this list as
the AUSFTA - you'll need to start paying AUD600 + costs of mandatory
training courses per year for no real benefit to the average IT

I think bringing professionalism to our industry is a good thing, but
not by granting an irrelevant organisation a monopoly on accreditation
of said industry.

Michael Davies               "Do what you think is interesting, do
mailto:michael at msdavies.net   something that you think is fun and
http://michaeldavies.org      worthwhile, because otherwise you won't
                              do it well anyway." -- Brian Kernighan

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