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Re: [Linux-aus] LCA reg payment.

Hi Simon,

<quote who="Simon Lyall">

> Just a quick question but according to the registration to get earlybird I
> have to pay by the 22nd. I registered a week or so back (and confirmed)
> but no sign of how to pay.

You will get an email (as will all registrants) when the payment gateway is
up with details. You'll be given plenty of time to pay (we'll extend the
deadline for earlybird payments).

Thanks for your patience!

> Sorry to post here but I couldn't find a seperate attendee list.

You should join lca-announce where everything will be announced. I believe
that should have been in your confirmation email. Please post any questions
about lca to the lca organising committee, Seven, who are on the lca
contacts page.



Linux Australia                                         http://linux.org.au/
   "We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution." - Bill Hicks