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Re: [Linux-aus] Recycling efforts in Australia....
On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 21:10 +0800, Tom Cleary wrote:
> Friends,
Hi Tom
> I need to know as much as possible about Computer recycling
> initiatives in Australia.
> Being based in Perth, I'm aware of the valuable work done in this
> space by Computer Angels ( take a bow Harry, Jaqueline and Co. ;-) and
> will probably be able to network enough detail on other initiatives
> locally.
> But everywhere else I'm lost.
> Help, please?
> Anything people can pass on - names, addresses, urls, contacts, mates
> of mates relating to more Easterly Australia off or on-list
> appreciated.
In South Australia the groups that I know of and work with are:
Community Recycling, Mansfield Park (Adelaide)-recycle computers, work
with Anglicare SA to provide Windows licensed boxes. Not sure of cost
etc. In my work with Teen Challenge they've provided free boxes with no
OS on them so that I can install Linux. I have an email contact which I
can give you off-list if needed.
Bettong.org http://www.bettong.org
Bettong is more involved in open source training, advocacy, community
involvement type projects at present rather than doing actual recycling
themselves however they do use and encourage recycled tech!!!! (Other
Bettongs can correct me if I'm wrong here.)
ITShare SA Inc http://www.itshare.org.au (Adelaide Hills) recycle
computers, install Linux, boxes given to low income people at small
cost. Run overseas projects - provide equipment, networks, training
I organise a small amount of recycling myself at Teen Challenge in
Murray Bridge (further out in the countryside, about 1 hour from
Adelaide) with a couple of volunteers. Current project recycle pile of
old tech, install Xubuntu and give away. We also teach basic computing
skills, desktop Linux and refer people to ITShare for a computer. We do
some support of these boxes for ITShare also.
This is only my understanding of these groups from my experiences. :-)
Hope it helps.
Kylie Willison
Regional Director
Teen Challenge Murray Bridge
My Blog
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