Just as I got your email, I also got SMH's daily technology update email. The lead story in that email is http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2006/05/14/1147545211338.html
, which has more detail about what this means:
Under the proposed changes announced over the weekend by the Attorney-General Philip Ruddock, it will only be permissible to watch a recording from TV once, after which that recording will have to be deleted.
It will also make illegal the time-honoured tradition of lending recorded copies of favourite shows and sporting events to family and friends who missed them on television.
The changes will overwrite the current laws which currently make it illegal to record anything from the TV or off a CD.
Also,Under the changes, however, no such format-shifting will be allowed with DVDs.
While you can dub a video onto a DVD, you will not be permitted to, for instance, transfer a DVD film onto your computer or onto a portable video device.
Can anyone point to a copy of the actual proposed changes and/or tell us who we need to continue lobbying to make sure that the sensible provisions are kept and the less sensible provisions are fixed?Hello,
Contratulations to everyone who lobbied for this.
<http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/music-to-the-ears/2006/05/13/1146940775897.html >
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