Greetings all,
On the 1-2 May I had the opportunity of representing Linux Australia at the ConnectingUp06 conference in Adelaide. This conference is "Information and Technology services for Australian Communities".
Please find attached my report from the ConnectingUp06. There are some photos available at
High/low-lights ------------------ - Linux and Open source are definitely on Microsoft's radar. Some disparaging remarks were made from the podium during the first day. The second day was more though positive as I was able to join in the discussions as a representative of just another 'Not-for-profit' organisation.
- Over half of the people who visited the Linux Australia booth were using Open Office and promoting it's use in the organisations they are involved in.
- Although Microsoft is offering heavily discounted software to Not-for-profit and charitable organisations (their 'Unlimited Potential' program), one organisation said that they are still not getting what they need and are installing OpenOffice instead.
- A workshop was held on creating a 'National Nonprofit ICT Coalition' (NNIC), which is a project funded by the Federal Dept of Communications, IT and the Arts (DCITA). This could be very exciting with regards to open source adoption in the Not-for-Profit sector.
See the report for 'thank you's but I would like to take is opportunity to specifically thank the Linux Australia committee for their sponsorship and assistance in pulling this together.
Cheers, Paul Schulz
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