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Re: [Linux-aus] Re: Proposal: LA cooperation with Community Code

Matthew Palmer wrote:
On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 05:27:35PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
Matthew Palmer wrote:
Is that what we're talking about here? It seems pretty reasonable to me, once you get through all the wherefores and thithers...
That is the gist of it.
So can we get a concrete proposal to vote on? No ifs or buts, just a
I thought what I posted to the linux-aus list before was sufficient.

Uh, no; but it should only need to be updated to match the subsequent comments and clarifications. Unless there's already been an updated proposal since then that I've overlooked?

you identify which parts of that document needs to be tightened up before LA
can decide on the matter?

At a minimum, it needs a clear and concise description of what Community Code's about, and it needs to avoid the "LA may choose to do this, or it may choose to do that" alternatives -- see the followup mails from Pia, Andrew and myself for which ones.

The only thing we haven't given any specification of is who should be the
LA<->CC liaison.

At least initially, that should be the sub-ctte chair, which is to say whoever's the driving force behind the project. That seems like you or Mary, or perhaps the both of you as co-chairs -- at least that's what I'm guessing from participation in this thread and the wiki's RecentChanges. At any rate, it's the sub-ctte chair that we need to know; if sitting in on each others' meetings ends up being a regular thing or a burden that needs delegation to a "liason officer" of some sort, that can be fixed up any time.

As far as who is going to be on the sub-committee, I want as many people on
the mailing list to be there --

That's fine, and there's no problem if that changes as things go, it'd just be good to have actual names of people who're committed to this and working on it up front.

Hrm, I imagine there'll be a BOF/lightning-talk on this at LCA too... *hinthint* :)
Hadn't really considered it. I'm not sure what we'd have to talk about.

Just what you're doing / trying to do. It's pretty interesting, and probably a meme worth spreading to other places.


Anthony Towns <secretary@linux.org.au>
Secretary, Linux Australia Inc
