[Linux-aus] About a User Conference - grand plans

Anthony Towns aj at azure.humbug.org.au
Fri Feb 25 09:07:02 UTC 2005

Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 February 2005 11:04, Michael Still wrote:
>>Surely it's better to start off small and let the event grow into
>>what there is a demand for over time. The cost of running something
>>like LCA (which is only three streams and 500 ish people) is in the
>>order of several tens of thousands of dollars, much of which is spent
>>in advance for things like merchandise, and venue costs. You can
>>minimise risk by starting small and growing over a couple of years.
> Agree, although OTTOMH, the $100k previously quoted was slightly 
> conservative and LCAs have often made a profit (or to put it another 
> way, the contingency budgeting has often not had to be used).

The $80k figure I quoted earlier for a conference of 300 was $60k of 
real costs, and $20k of in-kind sponsorship -- $60k happens to be 300 * 
$200. Those numbers are way too round, and there's some real money 
sponsorship too, but the principle's pretty right -- if not enough 
people are coming to cover your costs, you're either not running a good 
enough conference (and hence getting enough people), or you're being a 
little too profligate in your budgeting.


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