[Linux-aus] Re: linux.conf.au in January

Matthew Palmer mpalmer at hezmatt.org
Thu Feb 10 08:29:03 UTC 2005

On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 03:48:31AM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> Now, I know of someone, who has attended previous Linux conferences, 
> sent to the last one as a professional attendee by the person's 
> employer, but the conference this year, coincides with professional 
> exams, so this year's conference is out,

That's just bad luck, and can happen no matter when the conference is

> and there is no way that the employer would send the person overseas to
> the conference, and the person cannot afford to attend an overseas
> conference, so next year's conference has been made out of the question
> for that person.

UnZud isn't really "overseas", it's like Hawaii for Australians.  <grin>

> The discontuity of being able to attend the conferences, can also lead 
> to disenfranchisement.

This is a potential problem, and consistency in timing and location can
help, but the reverse issue is one of equity and "sharing things around". 
I'm sure that plenty of New Zealanders haven't been able to attend LCAs
because of the cost of getting here, and some people can't attend a January
conference for various reasons.  Moving it around is going to lose some
people, but it'll catch others.  You can't satisfy everyone.

> Maybe it is time to use the power of the Internet, and of ADSl, and make 
> the conference an Internet, rather than an in-person, event, so that 
> more people who want to, can attend.

Until someone invents the iPub, I don't think that a virtual conference will
have the same feel of an LCA get-together.

- Matt
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