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Re: [Osia-discuss] Re: [Linux-aus] Fwd: Microsoft to take direct shots at Linux rivals
Chris Debenham wrote:
> Am I the only one that thinks this withdrawal from attacking Linux
> in general to attacking particular companies my be the in order that
> they can move into the linux distro market at a later time without
> shooting their own feet? That way they can bring out MS Linux(tm)
> later and say that linux was never the problem, it was the
> apps/other distros?
Bring it on!
Even if they ship it with a bunch of proprietary products on top (such
as a Linux version of MS Office), they'll undoubtedly need to make
modifications and improvements - and thanks to the GPL *everyone* gets
the benefit of those.
In short, this would place them in a position no different to any
other commercial vendor of Linux, and I don't see what the problem
would be with that.
On a related note - Can anyone comment on whether or not the
provisions of the GPL would preclude someone from releasing code under
that license, and then enforcing patent restrictions covering that
John Dalton