[Linux-aus] New website rocks!

Del del at babel.com.au
Sun Sep 19 22:28:01 UTC 2004

> AUUG seems to be more professionally focused than LA to some degree, but
> every AUUG conference or meeting I've attended had been pretty community
> centric. They're just like LA, only less Linuxy and older! ;) It's all
> the same geekiness and beer swilling. The ACS OS SIG is half geeky half
> professionals, OSIA are certainly the most industry centric. Does that
> work? 

When I first joined AUUG, some mumbletymumble years ago, they were very
not geeky, very not Linuxy (Linux hadn't arrived yet), not very old, and
didn't have an OSS SIG.  The apparent geekiness or techie-ness or
beer-swilly-ness of a group depends on its membership at the time, and
can change over time.

I'd simply stick to factual definitions:

Community X group == Open to people who play with X in or out of their
spare time.

Professional X group == Open to people who work with X and get paid money
to do it (by someone).  Note that "someone" isn't necessarily a company in
the X industry.  It might be a university, or a large company that is a
user of the X product (which describes many AUUG and ACS members).

Industry X group == Open to companies in the X industry, and exists to
promote the industry.

The meat industry is a similar analogy -- you have cooking clubs (where
people sit around and swap roast beef recipes over a few beers), meat and
meatworkers' associations (OK so you have the meat industry employees union
which is similar but different), and you have the various meat marketing
cooperatives whose members are abbatoirs and meat producers, etc.


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