I'm not talking about the type of home user LUG based installfest.
Here's what Microsoft do (having seen them do it).
Grab a group of 20 or so IT managers, IT support staff, tech types. Get around a table. Install the latest Windows XP/200* pre-release or whatever on a bunch of machines, and explain the features. Go through setting up ADS, replicating LDAP services around the network, setting up DNS and DHCP, etc. Do some sales pitch.
It's an effective tactic, and not one I think the LUGs are appropriately staffed to deal with. It's something that could be done in the guise of an installfest, however on an entirely different scale and with a different target audience.
Cheers, Mikal
Michael Still (mikal@stillhq.com) | "All my life I've had one dream, http://www.stillhq.com | to achieve my many goals" UTC + 11 | -- Homer Simpson