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[Linux-aus] Conference CD update

Hi.  I've got most of the talks ready for the LCA 2004 conference CD ,
but there's a few I'm missing.  For one reason or another, either
they're not responding to my email , or I'm having trouble tracking down
where (or _who_) they are,  Or they said they would get their talks to
me and haven't done so yet. (If you're in this case , then I'm sorry for
naming you , but I don't have much time left to get them in.  If you
think you've sent it to me already , then please send it again.)

So I'm at the stage now where I need your help.  If you have the time ,
could you please help me track down the following people so I can get
their conference talks off of them.  Either give me their email address
(a phone number would be good at this stage too), or if you can , give
them this message , and my email address (pizza@netspace.net.au)

I have more photos than I can fit on the CD now , and will be culling as
many out of focus, dark, repeated, boring photos as I can to fit the
good ones on.  So there's no point sending me any more.

I more than likely won't be responding to anyone who sends me email
about this at the moment.  sorry, I have to try and look busy at my job,
and will be busy finishing off the CD at home :) (So please don't think
I'm rude or anything)

Main Conference
gnome platform libs - malcom tredinnick 
Hacking in TeX - Patryk Zadarnowski 
Linux and simulated systems - Dan Shearer

education mini-conf
Key Note  - Samps Okoholm -   Is the SA Government's Microsoft contract
good value?
 Andrew Bartlett -  A technical perspective : implementing Linux in a
real, school 
Phillip Marriott  - Developing online learning systems using open
James Hamilton  How Canberra Institute of TAFE are integrating OSS into
their so
ftware development streams.
Wilfred Tee  MESH - An open source web-content system; a report on how
it works.
Leon Brooks  Computer Based Instruction
Adelaide Institute of TAFE  TAFE Tours/Lectures (I have no names for
Dan Shearer  The power to do education focussed tasks better.

debian mini-conf
Angus Lees - What is Defoma anyway?
Anthony 'AJ' Towns - Releasing Debian 
Ukai-san - snapshot.debian.net
Dan Shearer - Top 5 technologies being kept out of Debian

gnome mini-conf
Ballet of The Modern Free Desktop: Havoc
Python and GNOME  James Henstridge
S-E-X-X-Y  Keith Packard

Python in Business -- Malcolm Tredinnick
Python Judo -- Malcolm Tredinnick
"Currently unsheduled" (what happened here?)

Audio mini-conf
Mark Greenaway: Linux Audio demos
Peter Chubb: Typesetting music with Lilypond
Tim Opie: jMusic and audio synthesis
André Pang: DJing Beyond the Turntable

ipv6 mini-conf (
Introduction to ipv6 Trent Lloyd
Mobile IPv6 and 3G/4G Mobility  Solimon Hesham
IPv6 Status in Australia   Mike Biber
IPv6 for Applications  Peter Tattum
IPsec ??

OSS in govt mini-conf
(couldn't get talks from the political speakers  :( . They didn't make