Hey all, Recently Linux Australia approved a grant to ComputerBank NSW to pay for transporting machines to various places around NSW. ComputerBank has a further grant application for a line of credit to fund future programs such as a work for the dole scheme, and setup of a storage facility for the many machines they are currently having donated. Due to the sums of money involved in the line of credit, the committee would appreciate open debate and discussion on the merits of this grant. http://www.linux.org.au/projects/grants/ requires that details of the grant be made available on this list for two weeks before the committee makes a final decision. By approval by the majority (In the meeting on the 4th of this month), the LA Committee believes that going ahead with this grant would be a good idea, provided the following conditions (on top of those in the grant proposal) are met: - computers must ship with an operating system distributed under an OSI approved license (e.g. Linux, *BSD) - payment in form of approval of invoices - max draw down of $10kAUD in first year - over 3 years. - $15k maximum at one time - LA will investigate ways of making us a senior creditor We welcome your comments on the proposal, and after two weeks of public discussion, we'll make our decision. Original application below: ComputerBank NSW Inc - request for interest-free loan facility Date: 15 April 2004 Further to our earlier submission and my subsequent phone discussion with you on 13 April, I make this supplementary submission, having regard to the information available at www.linux.org.au. This submision is separate to the grant application made separately by me on 14 April on behalf of ComputerBank Hunter and New England. Project Name: ComputerBank Sydney storage and workspace Aim of Project: The current arrangements for ComputerBank Sydney's repository operations have become wholly inadequate to meet the current and likely future needs of ComputerBank Sydney and, as the major repository for the whole State, for handling bulk inventory for regional ComputerBank operational units. Given the increasing scope and scale of donations now being received by ComputerBank in NSW it is essential that the corporate, government and community awareness gains achieved by ComputerBank, particularly over the last 12 to 18 months are secured and enhanced. This is especially so given the likely NSW Government's hazardous waste policy and program directions recently signalled as part of its Extended Producer Responsibility statement. There are a number of immediate issues relating to the ComputerBank's need for 'storage' to be addressed to move ComputerBank forward in NSW: - more efficiently, effectively and securely managing the scope and scale of donations being received (receipt, storage, inventory control, access, retrieval, disposal) and distributed to other regional units; - better management of disbursements to community organisations and individuals seeking ComputerBank's refurbished equipment; - establishing and developing more appropriate, better organised and safer workspace to enable refurbishment, rebuild and recycling activities undertaken by volunteers (including attracting, training and retaining participants); - providing a facility more suitable for and capable of supporting ComputerBank's efforts to sponsor and host Work for the Dole and similar labour market projects as a direct revenue stream to cross subsidise other ComputerBank activities. These types of projects offer experiential learning for the unemployed and other categories of people that would gain benefit from involvement with various aspects of ComputerBanks activities (technology, administration, organisational development). These projects potentially enable appropriately skilled and competent ComputerBank members an opportunity for gainful employment as contracted project managers, adding value to themselves and to ComputerBank ; - having a better-presented facility that will enable ComputerBank to promote and gain more financial and other support. Person Responsible for Request: Geoff Tregenza, President ComputerBank NSW Inc. for/on behalf of ComputerBank Sydney Inc. (Dan Treacy) ComputerBank Hunter (Bob Beaven) and ComputerBank New England (Roland Bernett). Request: The establishment of an interest-free loan facility (line of credit, draw down facility) up to a maximum of $15,000 for a period of up to three years on the following terms and conditions: - an advance of a quantum sufficient to secure initial occupancy of suitable premises for a period of 3 months; ComputerBank would arrange required pro bono legal services; necessary outgoings from the requested initial advance would therefore include items such as advance lease payments; 'bond' if required; necessary insurances; necesssary utility services accounts establishment; immediately required modifications to the premises (if any); - periodic payments (from the line of credit) as may be necessary to enable continued occupancy of the premises for a period of up to three years (the typically preferred basis for negotiating a standard commercial lease) and to give ComputerBank a degree of certainty in its forward planning and operations; - repayments to reduce advances to be made by ComputerBank as and when possible over the course of the term; with a zero balance to be achieved no later than the agreed end date - ComputerBank Sydney Inc is willing to invite a Linux Australia nominee to become an ex officio member of its management executive to ensure that Linux Australia's interests are had regard to in the establishment and ongoing management of the leased facility during the term of the agreement - the facility to be made available for Linux Australia use as and when appropriate - in the event of the reasonably likely or actual demise of ComputerBank Sydney Inc and/or ComputerBank NSW Inc., the loan facility will be terminated and all assets and liabilities of ComputerBank Sydney Inc be offered to Linux Australia and/or its nominee (subject to any other pre-existing legal impediments) - the loan facility may be terminated by Linux Australia with at least three months advance notice in writing should ComputerBank Sydney Inc. or ComputerBank NSW Inc. fail to secure government or corporate support (by way of cash or approved projects that generate cash) that is sufficient or considered likely to be sufficient to repay funds advanced by Linux Australia - that an exchange of letters be entered into between Linux Australia (the benefactor) and ComputerBank NSW Inc and ComputerBank Sydney Inc. (as joint beneficiaries) that sets out the mutually agreed terms and conditions relating to the loan facility. As has been previously advised, ComputerBank requests this proposal to be considered with some urgency. The current situation is now that the sponsor/host of our repository facility at Seven Hills, TriComm, has advised that their own contractual project management arrangement with JobQuest (and therefore with ComputerBank) will terminate effective cob 9 May; and that they will vacate these leased premises by cob 21 May. This presents both an unanticipated extreme emergency storage/inventory situation and an opportunity to ComputerBank in Sydney. The worst case scenario is for ComputerBank to be required to relocate its whole inventory/operations elsewhere as soon as possible after 8 May and not later than 20 May. ComputerBank is not well placed to achieve this objective, from any perspective - financial, transport/storage/logistics, labour force. The timing exacerbates the financial and practical difficulties already being faced as a result of the large corporate equipment donation currently in progress. The possible opportunity presented to ComputerBank is that we seek to take over the lease and redevelop the Seven Hills facility. This strategy has obvious direct cost and other benefits. -- Stewart Smith (stewart@linux.org.au) Vice President, Linux Australia
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