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Re: [Linux-aus] Organizing an Australian Open Source Roadshow?

On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 05:37:07PM +1100, Rusty Russell wrote:
> In message <20040129063049.GI25716@cyber.com.au> you write:
> > OSV has over 100 industry members.
> Hmm, the web page shows 27 members: perhaps you should update it.

that too is an open project. Each member firm has to provide their own
details for the site; let's just say that many are recalcitrant or lazy.  
You have no idea how hard it is getting technical people to prep some
marketing spiel... *cough* ;-)

We also have reps from the larger (i.e overseas) firms which deal in FOSS,
which, while happy to contribute effort/ideas, do not want to
publically/officially join a state-based organisation. They may however be
happy to do so for a national industry body.

> One thing is certain: the number of FOSS-related companies is set to
> increase.

That's the plan.

> > 80% of OSV's members are not interested in Linux Australia. Nor are they
> > interested in AUUG.
> I hope that most are interested in FOSS conferences for their
> technical staff.

Yes they are, but often for Perl, Mozilla or ZOPE or Python conferences, 

> However, I think an industry lobby group for FOSS is well-timed.


Con Zymaris <conz@cyber.com.au> Level 4, 10 Queen St, Melbourne 03 9621 2377 
Cybersource: Unix/Linux, TCP/IP and Web App. Development  www.cyber.com.au