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[Linux-aus] RUXCON Call For Papers

[Moderators: Please accept this CFP for RUXCON 2004.]


RUXCON's call for papers has commenced and we are accepting presentation and
workshop submissions for RUXCON 2004. The venue of the conference is hosted at
the UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY. RUXCON will open on Saturday the 10th of
July and run for 2 days over the weekend. Presentations and workshops will 
continue to be accepted up until May 15th. 

* What is RUXCON?


RUXCON is a conference organised by and for the Australian computer security 
community. It is an attempt to bring together the individual talents of the 
Australian scene through live presentations, activities and demonstrations. 

The conference is held over two days in a relaxed and informal atmosphere, 
allowing attendees to enjoy themselves whilst expanding their knowledge of 
security. Live presentations, activities and workshops will cover a full 
range of defensive and offensive security topics, varying from unpublished 
research to required reading for the public security community. 
* Presentation Submissions

Presentations are set to run for 50 minutes and are generally of a more 
in-depth and technical nature. Workshops are slightly shorter, between 30-40 
minutes in length in a less formal format, more of a general or introductory 
skill level. 

If you have any enquiries, or would like to make a submission, please send an 
e-mail to presentations ruxcon org  Submissions should thoroughly outline your
desired presentation or workshop subject. Accompanying your submission should
be the slides you intend to use or a detailed paper explaining your subject. 

If approved we will additionally require: 

 i. A brief personal biography (between 2-5 paragraphs in length), 
    including: skill set; experience, and credentials. 

ii. A description on your presentation or workshop (between 2-5 paragraphs 
    in length). 

* Selection Criteria 

Presentation selection will be based on technical merit. Presentations 
discussing new, previously undisclosed, defensive or offensive security 
related material will receive first priority.

* Contact Details

Presentation Submissions: 	presentations ruxcon org
Private Enquiries:		rux ruxcon org
General Enquiries:		staff-con ruxcon org