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Re: [Linux-aus] Organizing an Australian Open Source Roadshow?


Ryan Verner <xfesty@computeraddictions.com.au> wrote ..
> On 29/01/2004, at 1:16 PM, Brent Wallis (IS) wrote:
> > "Forking" ones marketing efforts is not a good thing to do....in fact,
> > it will have a very opposite affect to what everyone seems to want to
> > achieve.
> When there's (at least) two very, very different mentalities, and 
> target audiences, some of which can have very alternative views, there
> has to be separate bodies representing the OSS community, otherwise I 
> personally don't see it working.  That said though, these bodies do 
> need to work very closely together.

Nothing personal here mind you, but unless both target audiences are marketed to by a UNIFIED entity, you WILL end up with a disaster that some M$ PR yodel will have a field day with. What you suggest here is quite silly to be honest, it would be like the Scouting Movement splitting in 2 to cater for each gender.

YES, there are 2 different sets of people that need to get the message, but only ONE ENTITY should create the 2 messages. 

A real world example would be marketing something like Coke world wide. Someone sets the rules with enough leeway to allow individual countries to "adjust" there message to their own audience.
