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Re: [Linux-aus] Organizing an Australian Open Source Roadshow?

"Michael Davies" <michael@msdavies.net> wrote ..

> Just what we need - *another* organisation in the FOSS space in Australia
> trying to be the voice to the outside world! :-(

Agreed Michael!

For my part, I would much rather being part of the:

"Linux Australia, not for profit, this is what this stuff can do, and there are people with us that helped create it, demonstration of capability, ROADSHOW" 

..with people whose names appear in the sender address of an email.

There is ample cause to "be aware but not alarmed" here people. 

Too much "pretending" and "we can do this better" when in comes to "marketing" FOSS could undo what has already been done by the existing groups at large.

"Forking" ones marketing efforts is not a good thing to do....in fact, it will have a very opposite affect to what everyone seems to want to achieve.

BTW, count me in Rusty..... tell us more!