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Re: [Linux-aus] linux professional groups

On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 15:02, Anthony Towns wrote:
> Hey all,
> So, as a break from the flames, is anyone interested in having an on-list
> discussion about professional linux groups? Unfortunately I missed out
> on having a chat with Leon or Con or anyone much about this at l.c.a,
> and afaik whatever discussions did take place weren't blogged.

I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but ...

OpenSkills is a global non-profit professional association.  We have
members in 8 countries so far.

We do have meetings, and technical discussions via mail lists, but the
real aim of the association is provide members with a means of getting
engagements, and providing support systems once the engagement has been

We are quite young, so our support systems are just comming together,
but apart from mail lists we will provide members with effort tracking
systems (time sheets & all that), a skills base where you can record
what skills you have (and where other members can commend you for those
skills), version control systems, member email etc. etc.

>From the public perspective we aim to be a trusted skills pool from
which telented professionals can be drawn.

The best place to look for more information about OpenSkills is our
wiki, here: http://wiki.openskills.net/OpenSkills

Membership dues are currently set at 20AUD per year.

Hope this helps.

All the best,
Make the most of your skills - with OpenSkills

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