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Re: [Linux-aus] Fwd: unsubscribe

On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Tim Bowden wrote:

I agree . regardless of how annoying you might find some other
person's viewpoint they do have a right to express it. If its the
consensus, that the offending person is a problem , there needs to be a
formal procedure to enlighten them ( or remove them).

Being rude in response just stifles debate and provides
ammunition for those who oppose the rise of opensource. For
resellers on the list, you might also remember that potential
clients are here as well so politeness may be a selling point.


PS Im on a large number of other lists and this list sticks in my mind
because of flames on it. I have noted that before today to members of
my staff.

bowden> Is there a formal policy or procedure for removing subscribers from the
bowden> list?  It would appear the time has come to take some action.  If
bowden> consistant rudeness from posts to this list is putting people off, then
bowden> the offender(s) need to be delt with.
bowden> Tim Bowden
bowden> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 08:27, Leon Brooks wrote:
bowden> > FYI:
bowden> >
bowden> > ----------  Forward; originally to linux-aus-admin  ----------
bowden> > Subject: unsubscribe
bowden> > Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 07:29
bowden> > From: <DESPAMMED>
bowden> > To: linux-aus-admin@lists.linux.org.au
bowden> >
bowden> > sorry can't afford the time to read other people rudeness.
bowden> >
bowden> > -------------------------------------------------------
bowden> >
bowden> > It's nice to see someone taking the time to tell us why they left.
bowden> >
bowden> > Cheers; Leon
bowden> >
bowden> > --
bowden> > http://cyberknights.com.au/     Modern tools; traditional dedication
bowden> > http://plug.linux.org.au/       Committee Member, Perth Linux User Group
bowden> > http://slpwa.asn.au/            Committee Member, Linux Professionals WA
bowden> > http://linux.org.au/            Past Committee Member, Linux Australia
bowden> >
bowden> > _______________________________________________
bowden> > linux-aus mailing list
bowden> > linux-aus@lists.linux.org.au
bowden> > http://lists.linux.org.au/listinfo/linux-aus
bowden> >
bowden> _______________________________________________
bowden> linux-aus mailing list
bowden> linux-aus@lists.linux.org.au
bowden> http://lists.linux.org.au/listinfo/linux-aus

Michael Hockey                  	Miju Systems http://www.miju.com.au/
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                     			Fax:   +61 7 3278 2343