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Re: [Linux-aus] please delete me from the list

On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 20:53, wiley@cyber.net.au wrote:
> Please delete me from the list.
> Below is a sample of what stuff I am reading!   None of this will do
> Linux any good.

(you should be able to find the info for unsubscribing through the link
at the bottom of each mail you receive)

don't let the attitudes of only a few get you down - it affects us all
at some point - but like others, I think that there is some use to the
list, and some good discussions.

In the end, it's up to you - and I'd be happy to hear any specific
comments (in public, or private) you have about how the list is run.
Stewart Smith (stewart@linux.org.au)
Vice President, Linux Australia

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