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Re: [Linux-aus] please delete me from the list

On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, wiley@cyber.net.au wrote:

Yes I agree that this list needs moderation.
The tone of the list leaves a lot to be desired.

wiley> Please delete me from the list.
wiley> Below is a sample of what stuff I am reading!   None of this will do Linux any good.
wiley> Shane Wiley
wiley> On Fri, Jan 23, 2004 at 03:27:50PM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
wiley> > On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Conrad Parker wrote:
wiley> >
wiley> > > A heap of crap
wiley> >
wiley> > If the objective of Linux Australia, is to discourage WA involvement in
wiley> > conferences and in Linux Australia, then I guess that holding a
wiley> > conference in NZ, is the way to go.
wiley> Your rants are becoming tiresome heaps of crap.
wiley> When other organisations learnt we were hosting a large conference in
wiley> Perth many went 'Oh, that's novel. We did that and it failed'.
wiley> Hosting LCA2003 -- which you didn't bother to attend -- in Perth was a
wiley> huge gamble. Obviously in your book it counts for nothing.
wiley> > I know of at least one professional attendee at this year's conference,
wiley> > who would be highly unlikely to attend a Linux conference in NZ.
wiley> So? I know plenty of people who attended every other LCA except this
wiley> one. It'd be boring if the same people turned up everytime. That's why
wiley> it is moved around -- precisely because not everyone can attend.
wiley> If you want a conference which doesn't change location, LinuxWorld is
wiley> probably the right one for you.
wiley> > It is difficult enough, to get an employer to sponsor attendance at a
wiley> > Linux conference, and, getting an employer to sponsor attendance at a
wiley> > Linux conference in NZ, for an employee in WA, would be completely out
wiley> > of the question.
wiley> Unlucky. You'll have to enjoy the conference vicarously then. Every LCA
wiley> I've had to take personal leave and pay my own way. If it really
wiley> mattered to you, you'd do the same.
wiley> > But then, I suppose, this goes back to the question of what Linux
wiley> > Australia is about, and, whether it is really for the whole of
wiley> > Australia.
wiley> No it doesn't. If you could bother to get some interest in organising a
wiley> conference in WA (not even an LCA) you'd find Linux Australia to be very
wiley> supportive.
wiley> You don't seem to have grasped that if _you_ don't want to do anything
wiley> productive, nothing is going to happen. Why haven't you set about
wiley> organising an installfest or configfest?
wiley> Why haven't you contacted the WA department of fair trading about
wiley> electronic votes and such. Weren't you going to put some information for
wiley> LA so that they could proceed -- after all you were one of the
wiley> individual pressing for this with some vigour.
wiley> Almost everytime you rant and rave your posts seem to reflect an
wiley> inferiority complex that you have about WA and the rest of Australia.
wiley> It is becoming rather tiresome.
wiley> It'd be far more interesting to read about why the City of Armidale
wiley> consider 'Windows 2000 Professional Server' "standard practise" on their
wiley> tenders.
wiley> Anand
wiley> --
wiley> `` We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think.
wiley> When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never
wiley> leaves. '' -- Buddha, The Dhammapada
wiley> _______________________________________________
wiley> \ _______________________________________________ linux-aus mailing list linux-aus@lists.linux.org.au
wiley> http://lists.linux.org.au/listinfo/linux-aus

Michael Hockey                  	Miju Systems http://www.miju.com.au/
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