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Re: [Linux-aus] LCA2006 (was: Broome 2006)

Hello Matthew,

Thursday, January 22, 2004, 3:56:13 PM, you wrote:

MW> As nice as Broome looks, Western Australia has already hosted an LCA, last
MW> year(2003) in fact. How about giving all the other Australian states and
MW> territories which haven't hosted an LCA yet to host one first before
MW> revisiting Australian states and territories which already have hosted an
MW> LCA! With the Australia Capital Territory hosting an LCA in 2005 this leaves
MW> the Northern Territory and Tasmania whom are yet to host an LCA. After
MW> sitting in hot classrooms with no air conditioning in Adelaide for LCA2004
MW> my preference would be to go somewhere cooler, bring on Tasmania for
MW> LCA2006!

MW> Hooroo,
MW> Matthew Williams

I'd definitely say Hobart for 2006 in fact I've even started organising
it, Hobart and Tasmania in general have a lot to offer and I'm going
to do my best to make sure we offer it.


Michael Emery
Internet Junkie
Email: michael@wantadotcom.net
Mobile: 0429 866 691