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Re: [Linux-aus] LCA2006 (was: Broome 2006)

On 22/01/2004, at 3:43 PM, Shane Stephens wrote:

As nice as Tasmania looks, Australia has already hosted an LCA, this
year (2004) (and last year, and the year before, and the year before...)
in fact. How about giving New Zealand a chance to host one first before
revisiting Australia?

Linux.Conf.***AU*** in NZ... what the heck?

Nice idea maybe, and I know flights to<->from NZ are cheap these days, but you'd probably scare off most the aussie regulars.

My vote is for Melbourne :-)


Bring on Dunedin for LCA2006!


On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 15:56, Matthew Williams wrote:
As nice as Broome looks, Western Australia has already hosted an LCA, last
year(2003) in fact. How about giving all the other Australian states and
territories which haven't hosted an LCA yet to host one first before
revisiting Australian states and territories which already have hosted an
LCA! With the Australia Capital Territory hosting an LCA in 2005 this leaves
the Northern Territory and Tasmania whom are yet to host an LCA. After
sitting in hot classrooms with no air conditioning in Adelaide for LCA2004
my preference would be to go somewhere cooler, bring on Tasmania for

Matthew Williams

"Leon Brooks" <leon@cyberknights.com.au> writes...
I think the big aim of Leon's little slideshow was to make people
think a little bit outside of the square and consider that LCA
doesn't necessarily have to be run in a capital city, or even a big
capital city.

True. Although let this not distract you from the actual possibility of
really running an LCA in Broome - maybe in 2007 since 2006 seems to be
fiercely contested.

For the curious non-attenders, the slideshow is up here:


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