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[Linux-aus] Re: A Big Australian Thankyou

Pia, we are the ones saying "Obrigado" from the deep of our hearts to you and Linux Australia. When Joice and all of the other girls started the Gnurias project we thought it was a wonderful thing, and we would never imagine at that point the repercussion their work would have. They found ways of helping people with simple actions, knowing and overcoming the group's limitations, and it seemed to be a great thing, as now their work is known all over the world. While Joice was in Australia, two major Brazilian IT magazines (Revista do Linux and InfoExame) had articles on the Gnurias. More and more we believe solutions to all problems must be simple, the "Unix way of living". Gnurias are showing us we must keep believing.

Also, I want to take this opportunity to thank Joice for her excellent work with Univates, Solis, and of course the Gnurias. I know how much professional and personal effort she has put on this task, since the moment she submitted the paper, and mostly after getting the news her paper was approved. I was sure she was going to give a great talk, even knowing it was going to be her first international talk, in a language that was not her own.

Joice is at home now, recovering from the trip, timezone difference and a cold. She called me yesterday as soon as she got into Brazil, and told me how happy she was and how thankful she was for all the people who helped her and also bought her beer in Australia ;) -- and I will let her write about it...

I am sure this was just the beginning of a wonderful and productive friendship, and we all wish to see you soon here in Brazil!

On behalf of Univates and Solis (and of course on my own behalf ;) ), Muito Obrigado!

Wish you all the best!


Pia Smith wrote:

Hi Joice,

On behalf of Linux Australia and the Australian Linux Community I wanted
to say thankyou for coming to LCA2004. Everyone that attended your talk
on "The GNUrias – making a difference in Brazil!" said it was an
excellent talk and got a lot out of it. http://educationalinux.adam.com.au/programme.html

The work of the GNUrias in Brazil has been amazing, getting IT to those
who may not otherwise have it. It brings to mind the worthy efforts of
various Computerbank groups around Australia. I truly believe that by
bringing technology to all people, we can actually raise the median
standard of living for all humanity. For those who don't know, Linux
Australia actually sponsored Joice to come to Australia to share her
experiences and hopefully further open the communication between
Australia and the rest of the world. At WSIS in Geneva (wsis.org) Brazil
was one of the leading countries in Open Source initiatives, which was
wonderful to see, and I only hope that the Australian government can
realise that many of the benefits of Open Source are above and beyond
the economic advantages. Open Source software and the social and
strategic benefits it presents is giving developing countries an edge in
IT. More to come on this when I do my write up on WSIS :)

http://fsm2003.softwarelivre.org/dep/gnurias.en.htm http://dll.istec.org/conferences/brasildll03/d2s.htm

Rock on GNUrias, we look forward to watching your efforts and hopefully
working with you sometime in the future. Thankyou for the t-shirt :)

Warmest regards,