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[Linux-aus] Thanks to IBM!

>From the LCA2004 news:

> January 18.   Hackfest Winner Announced!   Posted by michaeld
> The IBM HackFest prize winner, for a Tetribot named "beth", is
> Geoffrey Bennett.
> His prize is an IBM pSeries deskside server model p615 with Dual
> 1.45GHz Power4+ CPUs, 4GBRAM, 2x146.8GB Ultra 3 SCSI 10,000 RPM Hard
> Disks, DVD ROM drive, 21" Colour CRT Monitor. SuSE Linux Enterprise
> server 8.2. with a retail value of over AU$39,000.
> Wow! Congratulations Geoffrey! And thanks IBM for your generosity!

I'd just like to personally and publically thank:

- IBM for sponsoring the HackFest so generously!

- the HackFest judges Chris Yeoh and Anton Blanchard for coming up
  with such a cool idea for a competition and for all their work on
  judging and running it.

- Lindy and Cameron for putting up with me spending so many late
  nights working on beth.

Geoffrey D. Bennett, RHCE, RHCX               geoffrey@netcraft.com.au
Senior Systems Engineer           http://www.netcraft.com.au/geoffrey/
NetCraft Australia Pty Ltd           http://www.netcraft.com.au/linux/