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[Linux-aus] Whoa there boy, mind that spin!


 In response to one panelist's suggestion that open source enables users 
 to avoid being locked into one vendor's operating system, Matusow said 
 all vendors - including U.S. computer giants and European software 
 companies favoring Linux - all try to win over customer accounts for the 
 long haul. 

 "I question that open source removes the same intent for vendors to be in 
 a long term relationship with their customers," said Matusow, who is 
 manager of Microsoft's Shared Source Initiative.

- - - 

Therefore, a 'relationship with a client' == "locking them in, in
perpetuity, so they have no other procurement options.".

And no one loves these guys? Go figure! :-)

Con Zymaris <conz@cyber.com.au> Level 4, 10 Queen St, Melbourne 03 9621 2377 
Cybersource: Unix/Linux, TCP/IP and Web App. Development  www.cyber.com.au